"Be Proud of your School, be proud of who you are, be proud of what you do"
- This note is a summary of norm and the policy regarding the discipline at this school as passed by the Governing Body and District Office.
- Please acquaint yourself with the contents of it to alleviate misunderstandings and to clarify certain issues for future reference.
- Please encourage your child to adhere to these rules and norms, as you are the primary educator of your child.
- The Code of Conduct and Grievance Procedure is subject to the stipulations of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, (Act 108 of 1998), the South African’s constitutional democracy, human rights and transparent communication in its acceptance and implementation.
- This Code of Conduct and Grievance Procedure will apply to any person who, at the time of allegedly overstepping the rules of practicing misconduct, was bound by the disciplinary structure of St Vincent School.
- Discipline will be applied at all times in the classroom, in the school, on the playground and on the buses to ensure that the instruction of learners takes place without behavioral disturbances and misconduct. Learners are therefore to apply self-discipline.
- The disciplinary procedure will therefore be smooth, fair, reasonable, corrective, consistent and educationally acceptable. The parent will be informed and included, where possible, in the improving of the learner’s behaviour. Learners will be protected against abuse, mocking and victimization by adults or other learners.
- Any disciplinary actions or corrective measures will be relevant to the misdemeanor or misconduct. Corrective measures may however become harsher if the behaviour is repeated. It may lead to suspension or even expulsion from the school.
- Only serious problems are to be referred to the Principal or the Disciplinary Committee and if all attempts are unsuccessful, the matter will be referred to the Governing Body.
- The Governing Body or principal can suspend any learner who is guilty of an offence as taken up in the Code of Conduct. This is done in agreement with the Executive Management of the school.
- All decisions made with regards to suspension or expulsion will happen in accordance with the S.A. School Act (Law 84 of 1996).
- For further information, a full copy of the Code of Conduct can be viewed at the School.
- Use / Possession of alcohol.
- Use / Possession of drugs (not prescription drugs).
- Use / Possession of weapons (any type).
- Sexual misconduct (of any kind). All the misconducts mentioned above will be referred to the Disciplinary Committee for immediate attention. Depending on the seriousness of the offense various degrees of punishment will be issued to the guilty person/s concerned.
- Boys and girls must be dressed neatly everyday; no torn or dirty clothing may be worn.
- Boys and girls must be dressed according to school policy rules.
- Proper shoes must be worn, worn out shoes are unacceptable.
For Girls
- Hair may not be in the eyes.
- If hair is long enough, it must be tied up.
- Elastics, hair bobbles or ribbons must be either white or blue.
- No hair may be coloured.
- Black / brown hairclips.
- If hair touches the collar it must be tied up.
For Boys
- Hair must be kept short, neat and tidy.
- Fringe may not be in the eyes.
- Sideburns may not be longer than the middle of the ear.
- Hair must be cut away from the ears.
- Hair may not touch the collar of the shirt.
- No undercuts or steps will be accepted.
- No gel, dreadlocks or hair colourants will be accepted (if the hair is done according to tradition, a letter from a parent or guardian must be produced).
- If hair is not according to regulations, the learner will be sent home and accepted back if hair is according to regulations.
- If parents cannot afford haircuts for learners, hair may be cut at school with parent’s permission free of charge.
- Hair must not touch to collar.
- Hair may be shaven smooth (shiny scalp acceptable but no patterns).
- Letters are required: absence of 1 – 2 days (letter from parent); 3 days or longer (letter from doctor); absence from scheduled tests or June / November examinations (letter from doctor).
- If no letters are received regarding the first two rules, it will be assumed that the learner is bunking and the necessary steps will be taken accordingly.
- If no correspondence is received regarding the first rule, the learner will received a 0 (nil) for the test or exam.
- If the learner bunks, he / she will be reported and the following might occur: relocation to a clinic school, relocation to a Reformatory or Industrial school.
- Your child is privileged to be in a school such as this one. Continued absenteeism means that your child may be taking the place of a more deserved learner and above all, wasting the resources of this school.
- If your child needs to leave the school early, a letter ONE DAY, prior to the event must be addressed to the Principal. This may be handed to the register teacher who will in turn pass it on the principal, Deputy Principal or Head of Department. The learner may not leave the school without a form PL26 being completed. You may then fetch your child from the enquiries office.
- Please arrange all appointments for your child after school.
- When a child arrives late for school or class he / she will have points deducted using the merit / demerit system.
- If a child is persistently late for school parents / guardians are responsible for giving the school a valid reason for why the child is arriving late. If the reason will involve the disciplinary committee to discuss a suitable punishment for the child concerned.
- Learners line up outside class.
- Wait for other learners to exit class first.
- Enter class quietly and orderly.
- Stand behind chair.
- Greet the educator.
- Sit down, take out books and receive instructions from the educator.
- Cases neatly beside desk on floor.
- No chewing gum allowed in any class.
- No sitting on desks.
- No playing around in class.
- No shouting in class – put up hand.
- No eating of any sort in class.
- Wait for instruction from educator to stand, push in chairs, greet educator and exit class in orderly fashion.
- Do not throw objects around in class.
- Do not walk around unnecessarily.
- No talking in lines.
- Change classes quickly yet quietly.
- Keep class neat and tidy at all times.
- If absent, learner is responsible to catch up work missed.
- Absent learners must hand in work to be assessed.
- No riding on chairs.
- Do not leave the class without permission.
- Learners are to stand up when the Principal enters the class.
- Parent to sign homework book every day.
The following are not allow at school: iPods, MP3 players, Playstations, CD walkmans, Digital cameras, portable DVD players & laptop computers.
Cellphones – Learners are allowed to bring cellphones to School on condition that:
- It is not visible
- It is switched off between 07:45 - 14:00
If the above conditions are not adhered to, the cellphone will be confiscated immediately, kept at school for 7 (seven) days, after which the parents will be allowed to fetch it. If the phone is confiscated again it will be kept until the end of the term.